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Roger does not say anything to Ralph as they approach the "rock castle" in the Lord of the Flies. Instead, Roger silently throws rocks at them from above, demonstrating his cruelty and violent tendencies.

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Q: What does roger say to Ralph as the appoarch the rock castle?
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What does Ralph do once at the entrance of castle rock?

Ralph fights with Jack. (epic)

Who is killed at castle rock in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy is killed at Castle Rock in Lord Of The Flies.

What does roger do to the twins when they arrive to castle rock?

He tortures them

What figures does Ralph see on top of castle rock?

Ralph sees the figure of the naval officer on top of the castle rock. He mistakes him for the beast before realizing his true identity.

What news does Ralph learn while he is on top of castle rock in Lord of the Flies chapter 12?

Ralph learns from Samneric that Jack plans to have his tribe hunt him the next day and that Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends.

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Piggy and Ralph are in a last attempt to stop the savagery at the Castle Rock, where the savages have camped. Roger is atop the castle as the others argue, and Roger pivots a lever that causes a boulder to fall, and it falls onto Piggy, shattering the conch and knocking him over the edge to his death.

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Ralph goes first when the boys reach castle rock because Ralph is the elected leader and he feels that it is his duty.

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Samneric tell him while they are on guard at Castle Rock.

Why does Ralph think castle rock is a rotten place?

Ralph says it's a rotten place because there's no running water there.

What does Roger do to the twins when they first arrive at the Castle Rock?

Roger throws rocks at the twins and bullies and intimidates them by asserting his power over them. He displays aggressive and violent behavior towards the twins to establish dominance and control.

What is Jack feeling as he trots toward Castle Rock?

Jack is feeling guilty just as Ralph and Piggy are.

What happens when Ralphs band arrives at Castle Rock Lord of the flies?

When Ralph's band arrives at Castle Rock in "Lord of the Flies," they confront Jack and his tribe. Despite Ralph trying to reason with them, Jack's tribe attacks, resulting in a violent confrontation between the groups. Piggy is killed, and Ralph narrowly escapes with his life.