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To change and keep Christmas in his heart forever more

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Q: What does scrooge promise to do after he has been visited by the last spirit?
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Why did the spirit visit scrooge what was scrooges initial reaction to the spirit?

Uncertainty and disbelief

Who was Marley what warning did he give to Scrooge?

Marley was Scrooge's former business partner who visited him as a ghost on Christmas Eve. Marley warned Scrooge that he would suffer the same fate if he did not change his ways and embrace the spirit of Christmas.

How does Scrooge feel when he and the spirit left his nephew's house?

Scrooge becomes so gay and light of heart. He felt loved and joy that his family felt that way towards him even though he had not been kind to them.

What is the personality of the last spirit in A Christmas Carol?

The first Spirit (The Ghost Of Christmas Past) as foretold by Marley was there to show Scrooge his own past. This brought out many difficult situations that he suffered as a child and young man, most of which made him in to the person he was to to

What was happening between Scrooge and belle at the third place Scrooge and the spirit visited?

Scrooge saw Belle happily married with a large family in their old family home, but also learned that she was much happier without him in her life. Belle mentioned that their engagement had been broken off due to Scrooge's growing obsession with wealth and ambition, which ultimately led to their separation.

Why is Scrooge welcomed at his nephew's house?

Because he has been previously 'visited', on Christmas Eve, by the three spirits of Christmas; Past, Present and Future ... allowing him to make amends with his nephew!

Is it bad to be visited by a spirit?

It isn't necessarily bad to be visited by a spirit. There could be something connected to the house or apartment that you are living in. Wherever you are living could have possibly been a small war area and people died there and claim it as their ground. It could also be a family member that doesn't want to let go of you.

What is Scrooge's relationship with his nephew?

Scrooge's relationship with his nephew was a distant relationship in emotion. Left to his care by his sister, Scrooge saw to it that his nephew was well provided for, but because of his overly focused work ethics and the fact that he didn't really know what family was, he never spent time with his nephew. He turned down many invitations over the years to spend Christmas with his nephew and it wasn't until the end, after being visited by the three spirits of Christmas, that Scrooge realized what he had been missing.

Why do you think the image of Marley Scrooge's former partner appears to Scrooge?

Marley's ghost appears to Scrooge to warn him of the consequences of his greed and selfishness, and to offer him a chance to change his ways before it's too late. Marley serves as a messenger to help guide Scrooge towards redemption and ultimately encourage him to embrace the spirit of giving and compassion.

What is the passive voice of Susan has visited Canada?

Canada has been visited by Susan.

Who is Belle and why is she important to Scrooge What does she say is the reason she is releasing him from his promise?

Belle was Scrooge's former fiancée whom he lost because of his growing obsession with wealth and greed. Belle releases Scrooge from his promise to marry her because she realizes he is no longer the man she fell in love with, and his love for money has overshadowed everything else in his life. She sees that they are no longer compatible due to his change in character.

Why did the spirit visit scrooge?

The first spirit was Jacob Marley. He had died seven years earlier. He was the only friend of Ebenezer Scrooge as well as his business partner. He stated he had forged a chain so heavy that he was to carry with him in the after life and further punishment for his failure to see mankind as his business and not just making money. He had been granted one visit to the living world to try and change Scrooges ways and help him avoid the same after life fate of eternal torment . In doing so he was to foretell of three further spirits who would show Scrooge the mistakes he'd made and allow him the opportunity to change