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Q: What does sediment transported in a single direction by water or air currents commonly form?
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How does a longitudinal coast formed?

A longitudinal coast is formed when the coastline runs parallel to the direction of prevailing winds and ocean currents, resulting in the erosion and deposition of sediment in a linear pattern. Sediment is transported along the coast, creating features such as barrier islands, spits, and sand dunes aligned parallel to the shore.

Wind transported sediment are called?

Wind transported sediment is known as "aeolian sediment."

How are Large volumes of bottom sediments may be transported long distances by?

Large volumes of bottom sediments can be transported long distances by processes such as turbidity currents, underwater avalanches, and longshore drift. These processes involve the movement of sediment-laden water in rivers, currents, or waves that can carry sediments over vast distances across the ocean floor.

How do waves affect the movement of sediment at the coast?

Waves can cause erosion by carrying sediment away from the coast, as well as deposit sediment on the shore through a process called sedimentation. The strength and direction of the waves determine how sediment is transported along the coast, influencing the overall coastal morphology.

How sediments on the ocean floor vary relation to an ocean ridge?

The transport of sediment depends on its grain size and the original location where it was produced. Terrigenous sediment can be transported to the deep sea via rivers or by wind. Material transported by rivers most commonly ends up deposited on thecontinental margin, the shallow portions of the ocean that are within several hundred kilometers of land. When continental margin deposits accumulate fast and get overly steep, or when an earthquake or storm causes the sediment to be resuspended, turbidity currents provide additional transport out to the deep sea. The resuspension of the sediment into the bottom water causes it to be more dense than the overlying water, and thus these turbidity currents flow downslope to the more distant ocean basin -humberto <3

How sediments on the ocean floor vary in relation to an ocean ridge?

The transport of sediment depends on its grain size and the original location where it was produced. Terrigenous sediment can be transported to the deep sea via rivers or by wind. Material transported by rivers most commonly ends up deposited on thecontinental margin, the shallow portions of the ocean that are within several hundred kilometers of land. When continental margin deposits accumulate fast and get overly steep, or when an earthquake or storm causes the sediment to be resuspended, turbidity currents provide additional transport out to the deep sea. The resuspension of the sediment into the bottom water causes it to be more dense than the overlying water, and thus these turbidity currents flow downslope to the more distant ocean basin -humberto <3

When the velocity of a stream suddenly decreases the sediment being transported undergoes an increase in?

Deposition, whereby the sediment load being transported is dropped.

What transports most of the sediment in the beach environment?

Longshore Currents transport most sediment along the shore of beaches, according to my science book. .

How does sand get transported along a beach?

Sand gets transported along a beach primarily through longshore drift, where waves approach the shore at an angle and carry sediment parallel to the coastline. Additionally, tides and currents can also contribute to the movement of sand along a beach.

Beginning with the source of sand explain the process by which spit forms?

Spit forms when sediment, such as sand, is transported along a coast by longshore drift. As the sediment moves, it accumulates due to changes in wave direction, tidal currents, or other factors, gradually building up a protrusion into the sea. Vegetation may then colonize the accumulated sediment, further stabilizing and shaping the structure into a spit.

What does silt and sediment mean?

Silt is a granular material intermediate in size between sand and clay, commonly found in rivers or lakes. Sediment refers to particles of solid material that are transported and deposited by water, wind, ice, or gravity, accumulating on the Earth's surface. Silt is a type of sediment.

Where do longshore currents transport sediment?

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