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Q: How do waves affect the movement of sediment at the coast?
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What factors affect a wave's ability to erode and carry sediment?

looseness of sediment, speed of wave, angle of wae on sediment, angle of beach floor (as that changes the waves suction angle height and strength)

Sandy beaches are formed by?

waves carrying sediment wash along a coast, slow down and deposit sand to form a beach.

How do waves erode the coast?

Waves carries only ENERGY to the coast as it reaches the coast its wave height increases and breaks there by releasing a huge amount of energy. This energy is used for the generation of long shore currents this current carries sediment along with it causing EROSION.

What is a cuspate delta?

A cuspate delta is a delta formed when a river drops sediment onto a straight shoreline with strong waves. Waves force the sediment to spread outwards in both directions from the river's mouth, making a pointed tooth shape with curved sides by regular opposing, gentle water movement.

What is littoral drift?

Is the sediment carried by the waves and the currents

What happens to sediment when waves slow down?


What is longshore drift?

How sand and other materials are carried parallel to the shore by the waves. The waves approach the beach at an angle.Longshore drift is the movement of sediment along the coastline.Longshore drift is the transport of erosion sands along a shoreline by the current flowing along it.

How does air movement affect the water?

Air movement can affect water in a few ways. First, strong winds can create waves and turbulence on the surface of the water, leading to increased mixing and movement. Second, wind can cause water to evaporate more rapidly, as it enhances the rate of evaporation. Finally, wind can also influence ocean currents by pushing water in a certain direction, resulting in the movement of water masses over long distances.

Describe how wind moves different sizes of sediment?

Because of the way the waves in the water move to lift the sediment...

How is a spit formed?

A spit is formed by longshore drift, where sediments are carried along the coastline by waves and currents. When the sediment encounters a change in direction, such as a headland or estuary, it is deposited and accumulates to form a narrow, elongated landform known as a spit. Over time, vegetation may grow on the spit, further stabilizing it.

How berms are formed?

formed by the deposition of sediment by storm waves.

How could the type of shoreline affect the types of sediment you find there?

Rocky shorelines have rocks and cliffs, so when the waves crash against the rock fragments and sediments are formed along the shoreline.