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The voices represent deceptive politics in the Allegory of the Cave. This is a work by the Greek philosopher, Plato, and is part of his work entitled The Republic.

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its means the life u dont know

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Q: What does shadows symbolize in allegory of the cave?
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What do the shadows stand for in the allegory of the cave?

Shadows are uncertainty and lack of knowledge.

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What is the Allegory of the Cave?

It is about prisoners in a cave, chained so that they may not see anything but shadows. They have no knowledge of the world outside of the cave.

How do The Allegory of The Cave and The Giver relate?

they are related by being color blind and by seeing shadows

What is the allegory of the cave about?

The allegory of the cave is about how people are trapped by their perception of the world. If all that a person sees is their reality, how much of that is the truth and how much is something put there on display?

What does the wall symbolize in the allegory of the cave?

The wall symbolizes ignorance, what the people do not know. In the words of the famous philosopher Zeronanda, "We know nothing."

Who wrote the Republic what was it about?

The Republic was written by the Greek philosopher Plato. It discussed the meaning of justice and proposed a society ruled by philosopher kings. Also included his very famous cave allegory. This allegory described people who lived chained facing a blank wall. The people just watched shadows and this was supposed to be as close as they got to seeing reality. He believes that the philosopher is freed from this "cave" and can understand that the shadows are not reality.

Which philosopher wrote the Myth of the Cave?

Plato wrote The Allegory of the Cave.

What was Plato the philosopher famous for?

Allegory of the cave

How does the prisoner leaves the confines of the cave in Plato's allegory of the cave?

chicken in a box

How does the prisoner leave the confines of the cave in Plato's allegory of the cave?

chicken in a box

What is enlightenment in the allegory of the cave?

When the man is removed from the cave he is brought into the light. That is enlightenment.