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Lamictal is an anti-convulsant. It is typically used to help people with seizures. However, it can be used for other purposes. One example would be someone with the Bipolar disorder. The drug can be described for bipolars. Don't know if you plan on snorting this stuff but I would not recommend it. I don't know what will happen if you snort Lamictal but I can't imagine snorting an anti-convulsant would end well with the person doing it.


I take Lamicatal for the bipolar disorder so that is how I know a lil something about this drug. Don't snort it if that is what you are planning... seriously, don't. If this is not enough to convince one not to snort lamictal then take a look at the OD symptoms of lamicatal.

  • Coordination problems
  • Involuntary eye movements
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness or coma
  • Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
  • Loss of life.
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Overdosing on birth control is uncomfortable, but not fatal.

Is it safe to take lamictal with cough syrup?

Yes, it is safe to take cough syrup while you are taking Lamictal. Lamictal is used to treat seizures and mood disorders.

What is lamigdole?

Perhaps you mean, Lamictal. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer used to treat Bipolar disorder or seizures.

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How serious is a Lamictal rash?

A lamictal rash is an allergic reaction. Like all allergic reactions, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome can occur. This is potentially fatal. So the lamictal rash is as serious as rash can get. After checking with a doctor to make sure you really do have the lamictal rash, you need to quit taking lamictal immediately. If you don't the chances of you developing Stevens-Johnson Syndrome increases greatly.

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There is no known antidote for Lamictal so the best way to stop it is to stop taking it.

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Is lamictal a barbiturate?

Lamictal is not a barbiturate. Rather, it is a prescription medication used to treat bipolar disorder, and is classified as an anticonvulsant.