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Normally, a population would split into two species by being physically isolated. However, if two groups of a species develops different breeding behaviors, the populations may continue do differentiate until they can be classed as separate species.

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Q: What does spatial isolation cause to lead to speciation?
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What are the types of isolation the can lead to speciation?

reproductive, behavioral, geographic, and temporal

What are the two main types of isolation?

That would be geographic isolation and reproductive isolation. Both could lead to speciation.

What are three ways that can lead to speciation?

by natural selection, genetic drift and geographical isolation

How can reproductive isolation lead to speciation?

Reproductive isolation separates the reproduction of one population into two populations. Over time after generations, the two separate populations start living and reproducing differently, so they evolve into two separate species, which is speciation (also known as divergent evolution). Reproductive isolation and speciation reduces gene flow.

What can lead to Speciation?

Geographic isolation causes the environments to separate. The members of each side will be separated and gradually become more and more distinct as time goes. Eventually, when they are unable to interbreed, that is evidence of speciation.

Explain how geographic isolation can lead to speciation?

Geographic isolation may lead to environmental differences, thus leading to an organisms different needs. These slight changes in environment and needs gradually change the organism leading to a different species. This process is called adaptation.

How can islation lead to formation of new species?

Allopatric Speciation (geographic isolation) can lead to the formation of a new species because the population is split in two smaller populations by a physical barrier (river, canyon, mountain...).

What are 3 events that can lead up to speciation?

Isolation often leads to speciation, because as each isolated population evolves new characteristics, the separate populations eventually get DNA that is too different for the two to breed and have fertile offspring (this is the point when speciation has occurred). In the case that there is not isolation, the whole species must slowly evolve until it becomes a new species. However, here the line between where the speciation actually occurred becomes blurry, because it doesn't happen in a single generation.

Divergence may lead to what?


How does geographic isolation lead to speciation and adaptive radiation?

Geographic isolation restricts gene flow between populations, leading to genetic divergence over time. This can result in the development of reproductive barriers, ultimately leading to speciation. When a new habitat becomes available to colonize, such as through geographic isolation, it can lead to adaptive radiation as different species evolve to exploit available resources in that new environment.

What does geographic isolation lead to?

Reproductive isolation

Explain how isolation helps speciation?

Reproductive isolation prevents variations from spreading throughout the entire population. Since genetic variations basically occur randomly, the chances that the same variations will occur in both reproductively separated subpopulations are vanishingly slim. Thus, genetic divergence between both subpopulations will occur, and this may eventually lead to speciation. Isolation stops populations of the same species from interbreeding. This results in separate breeding among populations and genetic differences become more pronounced with each generation.