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Q: What does specialised mean in science?
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What is a specialist cell in science?

A cell which is Specialised to perfom a specfic function PHS-cells produce Blood cells

What books can you read to improve your knowledge on animals and animal biology?

Specialised textbooks or popular science books.

What does Specialism mean?

A cell which is Specialised to perfom a specfic function

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What is a pedodontics?

Pedodontics is the science that studies children's oral health. A pedodontist is a dentist who specialised in pedodontics in order to treat only children's teeth.

What is Specialised support software?

Specialised support software is software that is specialised to support people.

What does spatial science mean?

science mean having

Is Astronomy and Science publication a magazine?

If it is, it's not a well publicised, nor advertised one. More than likely it's a journal, or a specialised publication.

Where can you buy small desks?

On the net, on all specialised web site, on the net, on all specialised website, on the net, on all specialised website, on the net, on all specialised website, on the net, on all specialised web site

What does it mean when a cell becomes specialised for a different role?

This cell becomes a part of permanent tissue

What does unspecialised mean?

Unspecialised means no specialised function. For example ciliated cells vs nonciliated cells.

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