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  1. A piece of work assigned or done as part of one's duties.
  2. A difficult or tedious undertaking.
  3. A function to be performed; an objective.

tr.v., tasked, task·ing, tasks.

  1. To assign a task to or impose a task on.
  2. To overburden with labor; tax.


take (or call or bring) to task

  1. To reprimand or censure.

[Middle English taske, imposed work, tax, from Old North French tasque, from Vulgar Latin *tasca, alteration of *taxa, from Latin taxāre, to feel, reproach, reckon. See tax-1.]

SYNONYMS task, job, chore, stint, assignment. These nouns denote a piece of work that one must do. A task is a well-defined responsibility that is usually imposed by another and that may be burdensome: I stayed at work late to finish the task at hand. Job often suggests a specific short-term undertaking: "did little jobs about the house with skill"(W.H. Auden). Chore generally denotes a minor, routine, or odd job: The farmer's morning chores included milking the cows. Stint refers to a person's prescribed share of work: Her stint as a lifeguard usually consumes three hours a day. Assignment generally denotes a task allotted by a person in authority: His homework assignment involved writing an essay.

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13y ago

"Tarea" (noun) means "homework", "chore", "job", or "work"

it also means homework..(incase your spanish teacher assigns u it)

In short, "tarea" means just "homework".

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