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Q: What does the According to this passage what does Odysseus plan to do?
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Yes, he did.

What sentence states implicit information you can learn from the passage the odyssey?

Even the gods know Odysseus’s heroic deedsApex

What nationality is Odysseus?

Odysseus was Greek and, according to legend, was a ruler of the island of Ithaca.

What does Telemachus think of Odysseus plan to kill the suitors?

like he sucks

What was Odysseus plan to kill the suitors?

There were several steps to his plan. It involved him depriving the suitors of all weapons except one only Odysseus was able to use and locking them in a room so they could not escape.

What does Telemachus first think of Odysseus' plan to kill the suitors?

Telemachus first thinks that Odysseus' plan to kill the suitors is reckless and dangerous. He is shocked by the boldness of the plan but eventually comes to support his father's actions as a way to reclaim his home and honor.

According to Tiresias how will Odysseus die?

Tiresias predicts that Odysseus will die an old man at sea.

How does Odysseus show intelligence by coming up with the plan to blind Polyphemus?

Odysseus showed intelligence by realizing that blinding Polyphemus would hinder his ability to catch them after they were released from the cave. By disguising his identity and offering Polyphemus strong wine to drink, Odysseus was able to lull him to sleep before executing the plan to blind him, showing strategic thinking and cleverness.

To whom Odysseus attribute his safe passage past Scylla?

Calypso tells Odysseus about Scylla and tells him how to get past the monster safely. She is the one who tells him to sacrifice six of his men to the monster.

To whom does Odysseus attribute his safe passage past Scylla?

Calypso tells Odysseus about Scylla and tells him how to get past the monster safely. She is the one who tells him to sacrifice six of his men to the monster.