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It uses its trunk. Elephants live in forests where rich vegetations are usually high up in the tree. The leaves of plants form the basic source of food for the elephants and the tusks help them bend or break branches of the trees and help them pluck out the leaves and fruits from the trees. The trunks also help them suck up water and helps them drink.

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Q: What does the African elephant do for its reach it is to eat or brake the bark off of trees?
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What types of flowers are in the Savannah?

in african savannah, usually its elephant grass along with some shrubs and acaia trees, umbrella thorn trees and baobab trees.

Prey of the African elephant?

An elephant is actually a herbivore but I'm sure grass, folage and Balboa trees might fell justified in being referred to as prey.

What types of organism does the African elephant eat?

i dont think they eat african fruits but they do eat apples they eat african grass

How does African elephant adapt to its habitat?

elephant's most obvious adaptation is its trunk, which is basically an elongated nose. It has many uses, such as sucking up water and spraying it back in its mouth. Its main use, however, is to allow the elephant to reach up in trees to reach the foliage, which it eats. The trunk is tipped with two "fingers," which let the elephant examine, or even pick up, some small objects. The elephant's fan-shaped ears have many small blood vessels through them, which dissipate heat from the blood. The ears can also be used as fans, to keep hot air away from the elephant.The tusks of the African elephant are actually the elephant's incisor teeth. The largest single tusk ever found weighed 236 pounds and was 11 feet and 6 inches long!Legs of the African elephant are columnlike, the same width from top to bottom. Its feet are round and have a pad, almost like the one on a cat's paw, to support the leg. African elephants have five toes on the front feet and three on the back.

What is the African Elephant Niche?

The niche for African elephants is to defoliate areas by stripping trees of bark and branches with its powerful trunk.

What does African elephants eat?

the African elephant eats bugs, bark, roots,leaves and fruit

What materials do we get from an elephant's trunk?

elephant trunk is like a banana trees stem

Is the Asian or Asian elephant bigger?

It's the other way around. African elephants have bigger ears. The theory is that since elephants can't sweat, they use their ears - which are full of blood vessels close to the surface - to cool themselves down with. And as Africa is generally hotter than Asia, African elephants need bigger ears to keep from overheating. Also. African elephants generally live in the open, while Asian elephants spend more time in the woods. Bigger ears would get quite worn and torn if they kept brushing up against trees and branches all the time.

What is the African elephant feeding habits?

Elephants use their prehensile trunk to obtain the vegetation they eat. They can pull leaves from trees, or pull up grass and other low growth from the ground.

What is an Asian elephant's diet?

plants and trees and fruits.

What big cat can swim and climb trees?

an elephant

Why do giraffe have two small ear?

because they have ears to hear, and horns to taste.