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Q: What does the BBC achieve by playing noise with trailers for forthcoming programmes?
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How do you get unlimited points on app trailers?

We can get unlimited points on app trailers by playing it.

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Is there a place online where a person can watch only movie trailers?

There are several very good places online that one can watch various movie trailers. One of them is called "Coming soon dot net" it has trailers of soon to be released movies as well as some that are now playing in theaters. ITunes is another place to watch movie trailers but one would need to have Quicktime installed on the device that the trailer is watched.

What were Lou gehrigs goals?

To achieve well in playing baseball.

What song is playing in the Dangerous Beauty theatrical trailer?

here is the link to the trailer:ttp:// The song is called 'Fear' and its by Sarah McLachlan.

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What goals did desi arnaz set out to achieve?

by playing conga drums and orchestra from Cuba.

Who is now playing guitar with The Psychedelic Furs on their 2009 tour and what happened to John Ashton?

Rich Good of The Pleased has been palying guitar on the recent dates. John Ashton has bee producing other material but who knows whether he will appear on the forthcoming tour.

Where can I find out which movies are playing at local theaters?

The website is a great site to get this information. It shows all of the theaters along with reviews, etc. They will have trailers of all movies very soon also.

What type of education is needed to achieve playing basketball?

you dont need it just need to know how to play

What was the purpose of the author in writing frankenstein?

In order to warn people of the problem with "playing God."

What is the difference between watching television and playing video games?

Watching TV means that you are watching the channels and programmes that are sent to your TV by media companies. Basically, your only choice is to change channels or switch off. Playing video games is often interactive, and is a different side to media, internet and social interaction, etc.