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I am a Christian and have always enjoyed ethics questions, even before I got saved.

Clones are mentioned specifically in Hosea 14:12.

After you get done looking that verse up. I'll tell you another joke and then get serious. The first human clone (God-forbid) should be called Joshua son of None. Now, I can't claim I originated that pun but it comes from a title of a little known Science Fiction book I read years ago about a clone of JFK.

Here is what some argue as good about cloning:

1. Spare parts - gross but that's the bottom line. That degrades the value of man made in God's image: parts. It devalues every human being when that happens.

2. Chimeras - man-animal combinations. Some animals are already artificial combinations through combining DNA of different species to make another animal.

3. Medical research - fighting disease using "non-alive" tissue for research. "Non-alive" then has to be defined.


1. See "spare parts"

2. See Chimeras

3. See "definition of non-living" Who defines how much human material is alive, has a soul, etc.

Ethically cloning falls into the same category of abortion (humans are killed), in vitro fertilization (humans are killed), cloning (kills humans - it takes many failed attempts to get one "right"), and euthanasia (kills humans). all devalue God's #1 creation: US!

Ironically, cloning turns us into mere flesh, the flesh it is trying to help for medical reasons. We are stupid.

So, cloning is not mentioned but the verse that came to mind immediately is "God made man upright but he has sought many devices" meaning he invents evil non-stop and we are doing it to ourselves. That's why I want Jesus to come back soon.

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The Bible says nothing about human cloning. It for for modern society, advised by religious leaders and secular ethicists alike, to decide how far to proceed with this technology.

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