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Q: What does the Bible say is the source of all evil?
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Some people say that money is the root of all evil?

No the bible says the greed for the money is the root of all evil.

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No, the Bible does not say this.

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Where in the Bible does it say calling evil good?

Isaiah 5:20

What does the bible say the appearance of evil is?

In the King James versionthe only verse which contains both the word - appearance - and the word - evil - is this....1 The 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil..... so this question may have no definitive answer

Where in the bible does it say left handed is evil?

Matthew 25:31-34, 41

Why being rich is not a sin?

b/c not all people use their money for evil. some use it to glorify god. and anyways your suposed to give 10% to the church every week. but the bible does say that money is the root of all evil

What is the meaning of trust in the Bible?

what is the meaning of trust in the Bible? it mean that God is the source to all answers in life, so we need to rely on what the bible say to give us strength through the diffcult times .

Are pies evil?

I have never heard that before, for example no where in the bible does it say pies are evil. I think who ever told you that is just winding you up.

Some people say that money is the root of all evil What they mean is that it is the source of all evil?

Money is not bad, we must remember it does not have our name on it. But once a person is greedy he wants more and more , and the greed does not stop. people then want a lot more and families are broken.

Was the devil there when Jesus was crucified?

The Bible doesn't exactly say that the devil was there during Jesus' death. However, where you find evil and evil men, you also find the devil.

What does the Bible say about Stonehenge?

Nothing, it is not mentioned at all in the bible.