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The C in the time signature indicates that it is in 4/4 time or "common time." If there is a vertical slash through the C in the time signature that means it is in 2/2 time or "cut time."

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13y ago
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It stands for "common" time, which is a shorthand substitute for 4/4. Then a C with a vertical line through it is "cut" time, or 2/2.

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13y ago

The C stands for 'common time', 4/4.

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Q: What does the C in the time signature stand for?
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What time signature has the nickname common time?

The time signature Common Time (sometimes abbreviated to C), refers to a time signature of 4/4, or four crotchet beats per bar.This should not be confused with "cut common time", commonly represented by a C with a vertical line through the centre, which refers to a time signature of 2/2, or two minim beats to the bar.

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C, or common time.

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There is no key signature that has Bb and C#.

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It's called common time. And it looks like a C

How do you find the time signature of a certain piece especially whether it is compound or simple?

The Time signature will usually be numbers...just look on the music until you see numbers that look like a fraction. Sometime there is a capital C or a capital C with a vertical line. Those are also time signatures.

What is common time?

Common time is usually written as a C at the beginning of the stave where the time signature would go and is the equivalent of writing 4,4.

What is the difference between time signature and key signature?

The time signature is the time and beat of the song, and the key signature is what major or minor it is in

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3/2 is a variety of simple triple time with three minim beats to the bar. In the sixteenth century, such that the symbol occasionally used for the time signature 4/4 would be a modified C, or common time, the time signature for 3/2 time would be represented with a full circle.

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