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Q: What does the D battery month and year mean?
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Its already started about a month ago :D

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What does d m y mean?

It would usually mean Day Month Year - The only other time I've heard that used - was in an episode of The Simpsons... in that instance it meant 'don't mess yourself' !

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Days in Every Month

Which month is before may?

April. there are 12 months in a year and May is the 5th month, April is the 4th.

What is mean D?

A D-cell is a standard 1.5 volt electrical dry battery. It may be the largest 1.5 volt cell.

Write a program to find out a date after adding 31days to a date in the month of february?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int date,year; printf(''enter date and year"0; scanf(%date,%year); if(year%4==0) { date=(date+31)-29; pf(''march month of"); pf(%d,date); } else { date=(date+31)-28; pf(''march month of"); pf(%d,date); } } pf(%d,date);

What is d-cell mean?

A D-cell is a standard 1.5 volt electrical dry battery. It may be the largest 1.5 volt cell.

Is a D battery the same as LR20?

Yes. The LR-20 is a D-sized 1.5-volt alkaline battery. The battery number for Duracell is MN1300.

What do the colors mean on New Year's Eve?

Your mom :D