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Q: What does the Dutch call their colony in North America?
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What did Americans call the part of America where they set up their first colony?

What did the Dutch call their colony in America?

The first Dutch settlement in the Americas was founded in 1614: Fort Nassau, on Castle Island in the Hudson, near present-day Albany. It was later replaced by Fort Oranje (in English: Fort Orange) at present-day Albany. Both forts were named in honor of the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau.

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Both countries began colonies. The Dutch in the area we call New York and the French in the Northeast in what is now Canada.

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What did immigrants call America?

New France or British North America

What do some people call North America's tallest mountain?

some people call north America's tallest mountain Denali, or Great One

What do they call a 'Piglet' in North America?

A small, baby pig is usually called a piglet in North America.

Was Canada originally called british north America?

British North AmericaYes, it was called British North America. This was to designate where we now call Canada. It was called British North America because the British had control over hear and it was to the North of America (It still is). The AcadiansIf you are wondering about the Acadians they lived in where we now call Atlantic Canada but they call Acadia. The Acadians were French Immigrants/Settlers.

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In The Hunger Games what do they call north america?

Panem used to be called North America. Panem is consisted of 13 Districts.

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