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The English meaning of the German word 'Kindergarten' is children's garden. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'kinder' means 'children'; and 'garten' 'garden'. In German, it's possible to form compound nouns, by putting one noun in front of the other. 'Kindergarten' is an example of the noun 'kinder' being placed in front of the noun 'garten', to form the new compound word 'kindergarten'.

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Literally, it means "garden of children." in both German and English, the word is another name for preschool, where kids go before they are old enough for regular first grade.

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The word "kindergarten" comes from the German language. It translates to "children's garden" in English.

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Germany gave us the word "kindergarten," which translates to "children's garden" in English. The concept was introduced by German educator Friedrich Froebel in the 19th century.

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