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Measles, Mumps and Rubella

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Q: What does the MMR jab protect aganist?
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Why people are reluctant to have the MMR jab?

because thay r gay

What happens if you don't have the MMR jab?

you can get really ill,some people even die.

What is one of the 3 diseases targeted in the MMR jab?

M MumpsM MeaslesR Rubella

What disease does the mmr protect against?

This is a combination vaccine and has the acronym MMR. It is administered for measles, mumps, and rubella.

What are two disease that infants may be immunized against?

the vaccination that most babies get is the MMR jab- measles, mumps and rubella

What does the cervical cancer jab protect you from?

Almost all cervical cancers

A Child has had first MMR jab my wife and me are feeling itchy skin Is this the body fighting of the virus?

It is possible, but very unlikely, that two adults in a house would have itchy skin because their child got the MMR vaccine. If it doesn't resolve soon, see your health care provider to rule out other causes.

Do any of the camera bags have an anti-freezing ability to protect my camera in cold weather?

There are some camera bags that can protect aganist freezing however this bags are mostly use in the military.

Does the mmr jab cause autism?

Most definitively NO. The MMR vaccine (and, all other vaccines) have absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH AUTISM. There have been repeated clinical studies, and absolutely no tie between the MMR vaccine and any incidence of autism has been discovered. The scare was caused by bad science and desperate parents, looking for something to blame, and a news media looking for the latest sensational cause. There never was any credible reason to assume there was a tie between MMR and autism, let alone scientific evidence.

Can you get measles if you've had 1 MMR jab?

When you get the MMR, your body is supposed to be immune to the measles due to developing an antibody (like a cell marker) to be on standby of the virus measles ever returns. Sometimes, people do get the measles or mumps even though they have had the vaccine: My child had a bad case of Measles even though he had the MMR vaccine over a year earlier. I've read that only 95% of children are protected after the first MMR jab, and this increases to 99% after the second. I had the measles & mumps vaccinations when I was a kid (individual and separate doses) and I still developed mumps when I was 8 and measles when I was 13. The shots don't necessarily work. In fact, I think they are potentially more dangerous than the diseases themself. I recovered fully and had no ill effects from the diseases. ______________________________________________________________ I knew someone who had had the MMR vaccine and she still caught measles when my area had an outbreak of it because her immune system was weak. I got measles too but I hadn't had the jab because measles isn't nomally life-threatening nowadays and it helps to strenghten your immune system. Later there was an outbreak of slapped cheek in my class and I was about the only one who didn't get it.

What is mmr?

Its a 3in1 vaccine to protect against childhood illnesses measles, mumps and rubella measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

What is the name of the measles vaccine?

The name of the measles vaccination is MMR. This is a three-in-one vaccination to protect against measles, mumps and rubella.