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After collecting bags of blood, the American Red Cross will distribute the blood to all hospitals, donate it to the needy and if the supply permits, it is filtered into various components and these components are used in research.

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What does Janet Jackson do for Red cross?

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Why is Red Cross needed?

we need it because anything you buy from the red cross, it will be donated to homeless people that need homes, food etc.

How much money did Taylor Swift donate to the red cross foundation?

Taylor SWIFT donated £2380 which was graet to the Red Cross Foundation.NOTE:I hope that helped thanks

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No, because the Red Cross did not provide Amanda with a product.

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No, she is very caring and thoughtful. She donates to many charities - recently donated 1 million to the Red Cross

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What are the major functions of red cross?

The Red Crescent is the Middle East's version of America's Red Cross. Instead of the Cross, they wear a crescent. The work is the same.

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During the time of war the famous Red Cross provides food, clothes, shelter, blankets and medicine to the needy people.

How can I figure out what my blood type is?

The American Red Cross Association will often mail a card to your home address with your blood type after donating. If you have already donated blood with the American Red Cross, your blood type is stored in their database and can be retrieved by a simple call.

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Old clothes on the TLC reality show What Not To Wear are donated to charity

What do American have to donate to red cross for famine?

Americans can donate time, money, or goods (such as clothes, food, materials).

How is Red Cross funded?

From opening consignment stores, door to door volunteers that ask for a simple donation and will provide you with more information about the red cross. Red cross is a charity and they do amazing work through out the world and even in your back yard!