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Q: What does the Ventrical lines on EKG paper represent?
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The vertical axis of the ecg paper measures?

EKG paper is a grid where time is measured along the horizontal axis, of EKG graph paper and where to measure the components of the EKG wave form.

How many seconds on EKG paper does each large block of 5 small squares represent?

The larger square is 0.2 seconds and the smaller squares are 0.04 seconds!

What is the speed of the ekg paper?

25 mm/sec

What is point between qrs and st segment on ekg called?

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Why was it that when I was having a panic attack ekg computer reader said abnormal EKG but doctor said it was fine?

EKG readers provide only some very basic information about the patterns of EKGs. Some may make notes of alterations that don't actually represent disease, such as sinus bradycardia. Talk with your doctor for specific information about what your EKG reading said, and about why the doctor believed the notation was not a cause for concern.

Each small square in ekg sheet represent?

Each small square on the ECG paper represents 0.04 seconds

When do you standardize an EKG?

before and after you run EKG

What is the difference between a normal and pathological EKG?

This is not possible to answer concisely as the EKG can reflect many different abnormalities, some are very subtle, others easy to describe. The EKG is a way of representing the electrical activity of the heart graphically. The simplest thing to read on an EKG is the pulse. The EKG should be regular repeating pattern. If not then there is some sort of rhythm disturbance. If the line is flat (as often seen in films and on TV) there is no electrical activity in the heart which means it has stopped. Other abnormalities that show up change the size and shape of the electrical wave in various ways. The wave is recorded by attaching leads to each limb and across the chest. Thus the lines on the EKG represent the different electircal 'views' from different parts of the body. This adds to the ability to diagnose the part of the heart that a problem is occuring. The EKG is a general screening tool that can tell a variety of things, some well and with precision, some not atall. If an abnormality is detected there is usually a need for further tests to confirm or refine the diagnosis.

What is the name of EKG tracing?

EKG stands for electrocardiogram.

When will a V wave be seen on the normal EKG tracing?

Yes, a V wave will be seen on a normal EKG tracing. A V wave can signal a lot of things in an EKG, but what it means will be up to the person reading the EKG and the person's reason for the EKG.

What do the horizontal lines on an ekg measure?

The horizontal axis is time. The vertical axis is a measure of something electrical (the wires are connected to electrical contacts on your chest).

What does ekg stand for in online ekg schools?

An ekg is a machine used in medical tests involving the heart. Often to operate one you have to attend a special school. EKG stands for: Electrocardiography.