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it represents freedom

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Q: What does the Washington monument mean to Americans today?
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What does the George Washington monument mean?

It is a monument to honor Washington. That is all. No meaning or other purpose.

What is the Washington Monument look like?

You might mean What does the George Washington monument look like and it is an obelisk looking structure that is white.

What is the tower that honors the father of our country?

The Washington Monument honours George Washington.

How many steps in washington monument?

There are 898 steps in the Washington Monument.

What does the word Obelisk mean?

It is a monument of a particular shape. It's difficult to describe, but if you can find a picture of the Washington Monument in Washington DC, you will see a beautiful example.

What does the bike run rolling thunder to Washington mean?

Vietnam vets motorcycle rally to Washington monument

How high is George Washington?

Washington is about 6 feet high. --------------------- However, if you mean the The Washington Monument, this tall white-colored, masonry obelisk located at the west end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. stands 555 feet 5⅛ inches (169.29 m) in high.

Why did presidents have more advisers required on Washington's day?

Please rewrite. I am not sure you mean Washington needed more advisors or the men today do.

What term is used today to mean the colleges that were started for African Americans?

Historically Black Colleges and Universities

What is the latitude and the longitude for the Washington monument?

Latitude: 45°33′N to 49°NLongitude: 116°55′W to 124°46′W

Is there a technical difference between a monument and a memorial?

In memorial of two of the greatest words in the lexicon of yesterday and today, let us look to the Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and remember the words as they have been defined. If our readers would bow their heads in solemn memory of the word memorial which is at first defined by our dictionary of Webster's as something that keeps remembrance alive then says its a monument! It was this dual nature to our beloved word memorial that we remember here today. And we have come here today not just to remember memorials but monuments as well which the great book by Webster's points out that in days of yore that word meant quite simply a burial vault, but monument had evolved with the English language as a whole and such definitions became obsolete. But a monument could mean a legal document like the Great Writ of Habeas Corpus or The Constitution of the United States, but we like to remember the word for its simple clarity as meaning a lasting evidence, example or reminder, of someone or something of something notable or great. So in this modern day of high speed connections that allow us to zoom along on this super information highway we lament and mourn the clarity once used that is now so confusing. In times like this we sometimes feel the pain is so great that we can not bear it. These words in someway are gone but not forgotten. And we choose to remember the goodness these words stand for. So, when we go to Washington D.C. and take in the sights, we understand what we are looking at when we look at the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial. Washington nor Jefferson are buried at these sites and if one wanted to be particular with the words then one could argue that even so, The Washington Monument stands as remembrance of George Washington where the Jefferson Memorial stands as a memorial to Jefferson. If we go to their graves we can know that the gravestone is their monument and the inscription their memorial with out too much confusion and yet, it is the English language we are talking about and there is always room for confusion.

What does the root mon as in monument mean?

The root "mon" in monument comes from the Latin word "monere," meaning "to remind" or "to warn." This root is used in words related to something that serves as a reminder or memorial, such as a monument.