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CNA for a nurse can stand for some certified nurse administration meaning they can perform roles in administration as well as regular nurse duties like normal.

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Q: What does the abbreviation CNA stand for, if someone is a nurse?
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Related questions

Do CNA's give shots?

Can CNA's give shots? no , cna's cannot give shots that is for the nurses to give only. Cna's wipe,dress,feed and accompany the resident in any way as long as its not giving meds or shots or something that only the nurse can do. If a cna gave you a shot, you might want to report that to someone!

What does CNA stand for in nursing?

CNA in the nursing field stand for Certified Nursing Degree. In order to get an CNA you have to work hard and put in a lot of time to study. Getting your CNA is an great accomplishment.

What do you call a senior nurse?

Nurse assistant that works with elderly is a CNA.

Where can a person take training classes for a CNA degree?

A person can take training classes for a CNA degree from the following sources: CNA training Certificate, Excite, CNA Insider, Red Cross, Free CNA Classes, to name a few.

What does the medical abbreviation CNA mean?

Certified nursing assistant.

How can i avail for a CNA certificate while i am not yet an RN ?

You can become a CNA first then study to become a nurse.

Do I need to taking classes that a nurse will for a CNA?

You will not take all classes that a nurse will take, but they will be similar.

Is a certified nurses aid a licensed nurse?

No, a registered nurse can do the duties of any version of nursing training below their license level. So a registered nurse should know the abilities and skills required to be a CNA. The one difference is a registered nurse would be required to be more responsible by the Board of Nursing to be aware of any problems or changes than the CNA would be required (due to CNA's lack of training and the fact that ultimately the registered nurse is the one responsible for a CNA's actions if they are in charge of them). So for example, if you miss the fact that your patient is choking to death, a CNA would be less liable than that of a registered nurse due to the RN having the higher training.

What is a qualifed cna instructor?

A CNA instructor is a registered nurse with either an associate's or bachelor's degree in nursing, who has at least two years experience working as a nurse. Once someone has met those requirements, they must take state offered training course to be able to train certified nursing assistants.

What does cna stand for?

Certified Nursing Assistant

how do i apply for cna?

You'll need to find a CNA training program in your area; once you finish the quick course you'll be able to get your certification as a nurse's aide, or CNA.

What do CNA stand for?

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