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R: rest and reassure E:elevate D:direct pressure

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Q: What does the acronym RED mean in swimming?
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What does rpiasp mean?

it means red people in a swimming pool

What does the acronym HELP mean in swimming?

This is an American Red Cross acronym for Heat Escape Lessening Position. It is a lifesaving float one performs in cold water to stay warmer longer. Pretty much pull your legs as close to your chest as possible and hold them there with your arms. Take a deep breath. Repeat as necessary. Voilà!

What does the acronym REDS mean in swmming?

Rest & Reassurance Elevate Direct Pressure Semi Sit/Semi Prone i learned this in Swimming Lessons

What does the acronym roy g biv mean?

This acronym is commonly used in schools as a learning aid. roy g biv is an acronym for the colour rainbow. Those colours are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

What does the acronym aggression mean?

The acronym AGGRESSION stands for A: Anger, G: Goal, G: Give, R: Response, E: Emergency, S: Stay Safe, S: Stay calm, I: Intuition, O: Observe behavior, N: Negotiate.

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in Acronym Finder in Acronym Finder

What does BUFU mean?

The acronym may mean "by us for us" and may be a misstatement of the acronym FUBU.

What does gkpm mean on a typing test?

That is not an acronym in any of the Acronym Dictionaries.

What does PNUMA mean?

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What does the acronym AQR mean?

The acronym AQR means Ain't Quite Right.

What does the acronym ART mean?

The acronym ART means Approaching Room Temperature.

What does barf mean?

Barf is an acronym for "Bile And Regurgitated Food". not slang, but an acronym.