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The acronym MR16 stands for Multifaceted Reflector and they are types of halogen light bulbs. They are often used as light fixtures in ceilings for kitchens and bathrooms.

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Q: What does the acronym mr16 stand for?
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What is mr16?

MR16 is a coded designation in which MR stands for multifaceted reflector, and 16 is the number of eighths of an inch the front is in diameter. An MR16 is 2 inches (51 mm), an MR11 is 1.375 inches (35 mm).

How long do MR16 lamps burn for?

The answer to this question depends more on the type of MR16 you are using rather than the bulb's shape. The exception to this is whether or not you are using a low-voltage MR16 versus a line voltage MR16. Broadly speaking halogen bulbs, the most common type of MR16, last anywhere from 2,000 - 10,000hrs; LEDs last anywhere from 35,000 - 100,000hrs; and metal halides last anywhere from 15,000- 20,000 hrs. These are three most common bulb types for MR16s and determine how long the MR16 lasts.


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