

What does the atery do?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What does the atery do?
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Related questions

What is the shortest atery in the body?

They are called arterioles.

What happens if an atery breaks?

If not in receipt of urgent medical attention, you die

Lateral side of the hand receives blood supply from which atery?


Valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary atery is called what?

The pulmonary valve

Can an atery carry deoxygenated blood?

There's only 1 kind of arteries that will carry deoxygenated blood. And that is the pulmonary arteries.

If my blood starts spurting and its bright red what have i cut?

You probably cut an atery. Blood has a layer. Pink to red is the levels of danger.

What is the function of atery?

The function of arteries is to conduct blood away from the heart. This blood is usually oxygenated but there are two notable exceptions which are the pulmonary and umbilical arteries.

The atery that carries the blood form the heart to th elungs?

The pulmonary artery carries blood from the heart to the lungs. It is the vessel that carries blood from the right ventricle.

What would happen if you acidently cut open an artery?

This can be fatal. Cutting an atery will cause bleeding and it is dificult to stop it. This may lead to anemia also known as lack of blood.

What is an atery?

I believe you are referring to the word 'arterial.' This word applies to any reference to the word 'artery.'

Which are the following structures passes through the greater sciatic foramen of the llium?

pirifomis musle superior gluteal artery and vein internal pudental atery and vein superior gluteal nerve inferior gluteal atery and vein inferior gluteal nerve pudental nerve sciatic nerve poterior femoral cutanious nerve nerve to obturator internus nerve to quadratus femoris

Why a leakage in one capillary is less severe than a leakage in an atery?

A capillary is very small so a leak in it is not so dangerous but a leak in an artery will cause a huge loss of blood which is very serious.