

What does the bee eat when it goes into a flower?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Actually, the bee doesn't eat all that much at a flower. Yes, it eats the nectur, but it also move pollen to and from flowers, and that helps them grow.

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Q: What does the bee eat when it goes into a flower?
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the insect that goes to that flower will go to another flower. but if a bee goes to a flower with another bee on it that bug will let the other bee in to get pollen

What goes in and out of a flower?

A bee, silly!

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A bee lands on a flower in order to eat its pollen. This is the way that the bees survive, and feed off certain flowers.

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around 4 in a half weeks

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They gather a flowers nectar, but while they do that, the flowers pollen gets on the bee and when he goes to the next flower he drops some of it and more sticks to him, that how flowers pollenate.

What does a rose flower give to a honey bee?

When a honey bee goes to a flower, it goes to collect the pollen. This is called mutualism between the two species because they are both helped by their interaction. The bee gains pollen in which it can create honey, a food source. The flower gets its pollen transported to other flowers which can help the reproduction of its species.

What is an exmple of mutualism?

A bee and a flower. The bee gets food from the flower and the flower gets pollinated by the bee.

What bees pollinate?

As bees take nectar from a flower, pollen gets transferred from the stamen on to the bee's body. When the bee goes to the next flower some of this pollen is transferred to the stigma, fertilizing the flower. Once a bee starts collecting nectar from a particular type of flower it will keep going to the same type of flower as long as it can, keeping the pollen to the same type of flower.

How should my joke end what do you get when a bee eat a dictionary?

The joke usually goes like this- What do you get when a bee eats a dictionary? A Spelling Bee!

Does a flower provide shelter for a bee?

yes a flower provide shelter for a bee