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Among other time when Jesus cleared the temple of the merchandisers there. There was also the time that Jesus called the Jewish leaders a "den of vipers" and when he said to them "You are of your father the Devil".

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14y ago
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14y ago

By very nature and example, Jesus taught us to be slow to anger. This is wise. Because often anger proceeds getting a full picture of what is going on and seeing other peoples' perspectives. He was slow to anger because he was deeply merciful on people and gave them many, many, many chances. He saves judgment as a very last resort after he has tried for a lifetime everything to try to turn a person around to repent. If a person does become angry, The Bible said ' be angry and sin not.' so, for example, do not call someone 'you fool' in a state of anger or Jesus said you will be in the danger of hellfire. He is talking about the hearts' attitute in a state of anger. Do not hate people in a state of anger because it gives the devil place in your heart and is not the Spirit of God. Also It is better to hold your tongue at times. Don't swear in a state of anger as is easy to do, because from one mouth you cannot give praises to God and also cursing. Also, be quick to forgive if you are angry. The bible said not to let the sun go down on your anger. He also said if you have a dispute with someone, or haven't forgiven someone, then he will not forgive you, and you should not even attempt to pray or worship him. First, you need to reconcile with the person who you have a problem with. Think of this. If God, who is holy and without fault, humbles himself to forgive us of our faults, why cannot we forgive one another when we know that we ourselves are not faultless and holy?

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10y ago

Jesus was 'righteously' angry with the Scribes and Pharisees and how they burdened the people with all their administrative rules to God's Law. Also, they outwardly appeared beautiful but where full of dead bones on the inside. The Gospel of Matthew (chapters 5, 6, 15, and 23 to mention a few) addresses these issues.

Probably the most famous story of Jesus' righteous anger was with the money changers in the Temple just prior to His crucifixion. These people were taking advantage of the people by charging usury prices for 'perfect' animals for sacrifice - all this in God's House. Jesus expelled them showing His steely side (see Matthew 21:12, Luke 11:15 and John 2:14-15).

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15y ago

The Bible says to be angry and sin not. This means that you need to control your anger not your anger control you.

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12y ago

Jesus said if there is anger against you, turn the other cheek and take the outburst with peace and calmness.

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13y ago

You may be thinking of Ephesians 4:26, 27 - "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. [NKJV]

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11y ago

The KJV bible talks about an angry spirit in Ecclesiastes 7:9. ("Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.")

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