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It is not so much that the universe is expanding, but rather the rationalization for its expansion that provides evidence to support the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang supports interpreted observational evidence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) barrier that there is an evolutionary expansion of the universe which promotes a finite age for the universe.

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Q: What does the big bang theory have to do with the universes expansion?
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The most recent theory that upholds the big bang theory but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang is called the?

The most recent theory that upholds the Big Bang theory, but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang, is called the inflation theory. Earth is 4.54 billion years old.

The most recent theory that upholds the big bang theory but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang is?

That's the inflationary theory.

Does oscillation of universe occur in your universe only or there are more universes?

This is "The theory" which may also explain the acceleration, that is taking place in the universe. Our universe is surrounded by some 4 such universes, probably four pre big bang masses. In turn the four pre big bang masses are surrounded by four universes. Those universes are surrounded again four pre big bang masses. So one universe is surrounded by four pre big bang masses and one pre big bang mass is surrounded by four universes. You can find the structure of carbon atoms in case of diamond to imagine the same. So your universe is getting acceleration due to gravitational forces of the four pre big bang masses and other universes. So there is probably nothing like 'Dark energy", which "Push" the universe. But there are probably four "Pre big bang masses" and other universes, which are "Pulling" your universe from the "Out side" to give acceleration to your universe. It may take another billions of years, for your universe to "Fall", on those pre big bang masses. Once your universe "Fall" on such pre big bang masses, that will initiate "Big bang" there in those pre big bang masses. This theory also explains to why the acceleration in expansion of the universe did not start from the starting of the big bang. The big bang started at the point, where the gravitational force of the outer universes was zero, like Lagrangian points. Once your universe started to expand, it drifted more and more from this zero gravity point. That gave an opportunity to outer pre big bang masses and universes to pull your universe apart, giving it an acceleration.

How was universe created over and over?

Who says it was? We have no evidence whatsoever that there are other universes, or that the universe is somehow cyclic. In fact, it's quite likely that we can never have proof of that, since we'd have to somehow go outside the universe to check. Good luck with that. Einstein's theory explained the Big Bang. He said 'we are like insects living in a bubble and when the bubble expand, that is call the big bang.' But what happen before the Big Bang? that is when string theory comes in. Strings theory says that there are other universes out there, there is no rule law of physics that says 'multi universes cannot exists'. where the big bang came from? when the two universes collide, it can form another universe, when the universe spit in half, it becomes two universe. That is what physicists think 'that is the big bang.

What is logical explanation for acceleration in expansion rate of the universe?

* The Doppler Effect provides evidence that the universe is expanding. However, the redshift observed may be due to light climbing out of a gravity well (a star). Bigger stars can been seen from further away. Bigger stars have a greater redshift (due to size of the greater gravity well). So maybe the Universe doesn't expand as we were lead to believe? Or maybe it does.

The big bang theory of the formation and expansion of the universe is supported by?

Evidence. See related question.

What other name was the big bang theory known as?

Some refer to it as the Great Expansion, because the Universe didn't really "bang", it just began a very rapid expansion.

What theory competed with the Big Bang theory for awhile as an explanation for the expansion of the universe?

The most usual name is the "Steady State" theory. The term "Big Bang" was actually coined by someone who was a proponent of the Steady State theory as a way of making fun of it.

How is the big bang theory is an example od scienctific theory?

Hello i am minakshi answer is that the big bang theory is an example of old scientific theory as big bang theory explains that there was an explosion but the isotropy and the homogenity of the universe is not explained by big bang theory to explain his we connect inflatation theory with big bang theory to explain it so the big bang theory is also an example of old scientific theory.

How does expanding universe provide evidence for big bang theory?

It is not so much that the universe is expanding, but rather the rationalization for its expansion that provides evidence to support the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang supports interpreted observational evidence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) barrier that there is an evolutionary expansion of the universe which promotes a finite age for the universe.

What two discoveriessupported the big bang theory?

Supporting evidence includes:* Redshift of distant galaxies, usually interpreted to be due to the expansion of the Universe. * The cosmic microwave background radiation closely agrees with what is expected from the Big Bang theory. * The distribution of elements (and isotopes) in the Universe closely agrees with what is expected from the Big Bang theory.

Which theory proposes that all the matter in the universe simply exploded outward after it was compressed into a small space under tremendous pressure?

The big bang theory does not state that "the universe began with a gigantic explosion." The theory suggests that our universe originated from an infinitesimally small point called a singularity. Since all of space was all localized within this point, the rapid expansion of the universe isn't an explosion. An explosion occurs within space, but the expansion of space itself isn't an explosion. Quite simply, there isn't anything outside of space for the universe to explode into. Thus the "big bang" wasn't big, nor did it go bang. Around the time of the big bang (about 13.7 billion years ago), the universe was much hotter and expanding very rapidly (somewhat analogous to an explosion but by no means an actual explosion).