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A lot if you are a Jew!

He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." [Matthew 15:24]

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Q: What does the birth of Jesus mean to us?
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It means the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior. Christmas day is a day for celebration of someone who died for us.

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Jesus story tells us that he came to die for the sins of the world. So that we could have salvation.

What do the abbreviation BC mean?

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The family tree of Jesus and the birth of Jesus Christ.

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What is the meaning of Jesus birth?

Roman Catholic AnswerThat God kept His promise and sent His Son to rescue us from our sins and allow us to enter Heaven and be with Him forever. The meaning of Jesus' birth is that God has arrived to redeem the world - Alleluia!

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What are Emotions of Jesus?

The whole point of the birth and life of Jesus was that he lived as an ordinary man - God can and shared our lives as one of us to show us his love for us. Therefore as a man Jesus had the same emotions as you and me. His teaching and example shows us how to deal with these emotions.

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December 25th is Christmas (a holiday for Christians). Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a savior come to free us from our sins. (If you want the full story- look in your Bible for Luke) Christians celebrate this by giving gifts to others- rejoicing for the birth of Jesus.

What does A D mean in dates?

The AD stands for After Death in reference to Jesus Christ. ie a date like 200 bc means 200 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, and 2000 ad means 2000 years after Jesus Christ`s death. AD is a Latin term "Anno Domini" meaning "the Year of Our Lord" and references Jesus' birth not his death. So 2000 a.d. means 2000 years after Jesus' birth not after his death. And 100 b.c. means 100 years before Jesus birth. So time was divided by the birth of Jesus alone not his birth and his death. Events are considered happening before his birth or after his birth. AD doesn't have anything to do with Jesus' death.

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Jesus Meza's birth name is JESUS MEZA LUEZA.

Do people forget Jesus' birth and remember Santa?

Some people do. I wonder what santa has to do with jesus. I mean it really like, i understand that the wise men gave gold, frankincense, and myree to jesus. They forget jesus' birth and forget jesus. This is a very very wrong thing. So repent your sins