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The way I understand, it, the Book of Revelation is more about prophecies about the future (from the point of view of the writer; some of the prophecies may have been fulfilled in the meantime), than about what you are supposed to do.

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Q: What does the book of Revelation supposed to encourage us to do?
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If by revelation you are referring to God giving us His word, then Hebrew and a few verses (paragraph) in Aramaic. If you are referring to prophecy as revelation then there are many books in both Covenants. The final book of the NT known as Revelation was in the Greek.

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What is the explanation on Revelation Chapter 1?

When they think of the book of Revelation, many people immediately think of prophecies about the last days, beasts, and other mysteries recorded in symbolic language. Revelation contains those things but, as the Apostle John recorded in the first verses, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ given to His servant, who would bear record of what he saw and of his testimony of Jesus Christ (see Revelation 1:1-2). In other words, the main message of the book of Revelation is like that of most other books of scripture-it reveals or teaches about Jesus Christ and invites us to come unto Him. The symbolic language and images in this book may seem challenging at first, but you will find that they deepen your understanding of Christ's mission and of His power.

What is the purpose of revelation?

So God can reveal himself to us graduallyYes, but more fully I would say, the purpose is to show the people of God that God has not checked out. He is still here and is active.One of the great questions throughout the Bible (and all of humanity) is how can God allow evil and evil people to prosper while good and rightness often suffer. The Book of Revelation is God's answer that in the end He will prevail and His final victory of Justice over evil will be forever.So, in the end, the Book of Revelation is a book of hope and promise.

What is the perfect revelation of God called?

Roman Catholic AnswerOur Blessed Lord is the perfect revelation of God to mankind, from the Catechism, paragraph 73: God has revealed himself fully by sending his own Son, in whom he has established his covenant for ever. The Son is his Father's definitive Word; so there will be no further Revelation after him. Islamic AnswerAll God book revelations to His prophets are perfect. However, these revelations had been altered by some followers in defending their own perspectives and beliefs. Quran, Muslims holy book, revelation to prophet Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel (Jibril); being the last God holy book; is the only book that was not subject to any alterations and/or modification and hence is considered the present perfect God revelation.

What is sentence for encourage?

Good friends always encourage you to do even better.Bruce Dickinson said, "Huge crowd always encourage us to play even better."

When does the book Life As You Knew It take place?

Probably anytime between 2001 to 2009, since the book mentions the president of the US, living on a ranch in Texas. But it's supposed to be set in modern times.