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it makes me feel beautiful.i absolutely adore that reminds me of Halloween and candy corn.

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Q: What does the color orange feel like?
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What mood does orange make you feel?

the color orange symbolizes passion, energy, happiness, enthusiasm, fascination, creativity, determination, attraction, succes and stimulation but it makes me feel like i have a headache coming on. idk i feel like it's annoying color, my opinion.

What color is a orange?

Orange is like the Orange fruit.

What characteristic does orange stand for?

Orange is a the color for dreamers, usually wearing orange people feel happier and relived.

What color do the Osage like?

The Osage like the color orange

What color do you get when you mix gray and orange?

the color you get is almost like a dark sand orange

Do colors evoke human emotions?

Yes, they do, the colors orange and red make me feel happy, just thinking about orange color makes me feel good. blue I don't care for it seems like a cold color, I think a lot of your preferences are linked to your childhood, I loved Halloween as a child and still like it now, so I see orange it reminds me of happy Halloweens!

What is the orange color?

The colour orange is a very happy colour that makes people feel cheerful when they see it.

Why are your pants orange?

because they feel like being orange!!

How did an orange become an orange?

an orange became an orange by someone mixing an apple seed with a lemon seed. the color red and the color yellow make orange wich gave it its color. And the orange is a citris fruit like the lemon but kind of sweet like the apple. The orange gets its size from the apple but can be small like a lemon, wich is when its called a tangerine. And so that's how the orange became an orange.

What is the most unliked color in the world?

Orange, Many people do not like Orange but for me, i love orange.

What is naranja?

Naranja means orange (fruit) Ex: Me gusta comer naranjas (I like to eat oranges) Anaranjado means orange (color) Ex: Me gusta el color anaranjado (I like the color orange) Hope I helped!

How does animals that change color feel when they change color?

they feel the color they feel like the Camelon they change color if there frighted that turn the color red