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That column contains the Noble Gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn).

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Q: What does the column with helium have in common on the periodic table?
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What is the most common noble gas on the periodic table?

There are 6 noble gases in periodic table. The common one is helium.

Where is heluim located?

In the periodic table, helium is at the top of the column of noble gasses, all the way to the right of the table.

What is helium element family?

The noble gases, periodic table column 18, or periodic table column VIII of a condensed form periodic table.

What is the number of helium in the periodic table?

the number of helium in the periodic table is 2.

What do the elements in a column on the periodic table hav in common?

They have the same Valency

Does h stand for helium on the periodic table?

No, the symbol "H" stands for Hydrogen on the periodic table. The symbol "He" stands for Helium on the periodic table.

What family of elements was originally left out of the periodic table?

The noble gases, column 18 in the most common modern periodic table.

Can you name the primary elements of nature?

Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.

Why is neon in the same group of periodic table as helium?

Neon and helium fall under the same column in the periodic table. Both has stable electron shell.

What is a group in a periodic table.?

A group in Periodic Table is the column of element in periodic table

What is He of the periodic table?


What is He in the periodic table?
