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No crops, no money, less cropsless money

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Q: What does the decline of agriculture mean in the dust bowl?
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What does Black Sunday mean for the Dust Bowl?

it means it was the last tornado of 1935

Was Tennessee affected by the dust bowl?

Well most every state had been affected by the Dust Bowl but if you mean the actual storm has been in Tennessee it wasn't. The Dust Bowl was in 5 states: Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. I'm not really that sure if maybe part of the storm made its way towards Tennessee but I know that the winds were from Canada. -Wiki-Admin

What does the term dustbowl mean?

To me a dust bowl would be a area of growth that just dried up. A once productive place with plenty of work,families and so forth. Crops do nothing in the dust bowl,no grass for the farm animals nothing for the people to stay for.

Could a child born in a Soddy in the 1980's have been a farmer during the dust bowl years?

The 'Dust Bowl Years" were in the 1930s, so 50 years before this child was even born. Should you mean "....born in the 1880's..." the answer would be 'yes'.

What does dust particles mean?

A particle of dust

What are dust mice?

You probably mean dust mites.

What does growth and decline in business mean?

growth mean in bussiness that your bussiness getting bigger and decline mean when your bussiness goes down or when your bussiness bust.

Who is the author of 'Decline and Fall'?

If you mean The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, it was Edward Gibbon.

What does decline mean in business?


Does decline mean to refuse?

No, decline usually means to decrease or diminish in value, amount, or intensity. Refuse means to reject or say no to something.

What does dust mean?

A particle of dust

What does declaine mean?

Decline- say no to something