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"Defy you stars" is a phrase from William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." It expresses a sense of rebellion against fate or destiny, suggesting a desire to challenge or alter the course of one's life despite the belief in predetermined outcomes.

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What is the mean of defy?

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What does Romeo mean when he sayS Then I defy Youstars!?

When Romeo says "Then I defy you, stars!", he is expressing his defiance against fate and destiny that have brought him to a tragic end. He is rejecting the idea that his fate is predetermined and is asserting his agency in choosing his own actions and decisions.

What does Then i defy you stars?

"Then I defy you, stars" is a famous line from William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. Romeo says this line when he learns of Juliet's apparent death, defying fate and challenging the power of the stars to dictate his life. It reflects his defiance against destiny and his refusal to accept a future without Juliet.

What does the word defy actually mean?

'To defy' could mean all sorts of things depending on a specific context. It could mean 'to provoke', 'to diss', 'to challenge', 'to incite', and 'to aggravate'.

Why did romeo defy fate?

Well, if fate had him slated for a nasty end, he felt that he may as well try for a happy ending and fail as meekly accept the nasty end. Hence, "I defy you stars."

What does beggared mean?

Simply to defy or go beyond what is believable.

What does beggars belief mean?

Simply to defy or go beyond what is believable.

What does romeo say in response to juliets death?

"Then I defy you, stars!" He immediately makes plans to go to Verona even at peril of his life.

How do you write a sentence with the word defy?

a good scentence for defy is, "i would not defy my fathers orders."

What part of speech is the word defy?

The word defy is a verb. Defy means to reject or to refuse.

What is the noun of defy?


When was Defy Everything created?

Defy Everything was created in 1999.