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Q: What does the dorsal vein do?
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Does the earthworm have a closed circulatory system?

Yes it does. Its only one big vein though. The vein is called Dorsal Blood vessal.

Large vein on penis what is it called?

The large veins on the penis are called the dorsal veins of the penis.

What are veins used for?

A dorsal vein in the hand is one. Most commonly, for blood draws in a lab, the antecubital vein (at the location opposite where the elbow flexes, between the forearm and the upper arm) is used.

What are the 2 largest veins in a fetal pig?

The superior and inferior vena cava are the largest veins in the body.

What is the pathway of the blood through the parts of the earthworm's ciruclatory system?

Earthworms intake oxygen through their skin into the blood of their dorsal vessel. The dorsal vessel carries the oxygenated blood towards the aortic arches in the front of the worm. The aortic arches serve as the worm's heart, pumping blood through the ventral vessel toward the rear of the worm. Smaller vessels carry the blood from the ventral vein to the tissues and back to the dorsal vein.

What is the blood vessel in your wrist are called?

The wrist has several types of veins and arteries. The main veins in the wrist are dorsal digital veins, cephalic and basilic veins.

What is the name of the blood vessel which takes blood from the body?

Typically, it is drawn from the antecubital vein, in the arm. It can be drawn from other veins, as well, including dorsal veins in the hands and feet, and from ports inserted into larger veins, for instance.

Trace blood flow from mitral valve to tricuspid valve by way of the great toe?

They become the larger veins to return to heart. If one where to trace the toeÊthrough the heart and back to theÊtoeÊby naming in order the major vessels and structures through whichÊblood flows.

Hand dorsal or ventral?
