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Q: What does the dream mean when your daughter and you are walking on the beach?
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What does it mean when you dream about a person on the beach?

that you like them

What does it mean if you dream your daughter was pregnant?

To dream about your daughter being pregnant basically means that a parent thinks that the daughter is practicing unprotected sex. In most cases, people dream about what they think.

What does my dream mean if i dreamed my daughter drowned in a pool i have just moved house im wondering if this has anything to do with it?

your dream mean your daughter is drowned in success not i the pool it means that your daughter happy where she is.. It probabley means your worried about your daughter's saftey.

What does walking in a dream mean?

Walking in a dream is not necessarily significant, but only indicates movement from one place to another. If walking is the focus of a recurring dream, it could mean that you need to find a more efficient way of moving forward (progressing or advancing) in real life. But the meaning also depends on your emotions in the dream, whether you are frustrated or tired of walking, or contented and happy.

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What does it mean when you dream about hearing a womens high hill footsteps walking down a hallway

What is your dream room in french?

Do you mean "a" dream room or my personnal dream room? Mine would be a tropical beach

What does it mean when you dream about you and a person on the beach?

It means you are in love with that person

What does it mean when you dream a dog drops dead suddenly when walking with person?

it means that the person you are walking with is not the right person for you.

What does it mean when you dream of a ship crashing?

it meanes you will be walking on water in your next dream

What does it mean when daughter tells you she is getting married?

If this question refers to a dream, it could be a wish-fulfillment dream, assuming that the dreamer has hoped for the daughter to be married. Alternatively, it might suggest that the daughter is becoming less dependent on the dreamer, or that the daughter is growing up.

When you dream you are walking through a path of a foot of snow what does it mean?

Walking through snow is difficult. So in this dream, the snow symbolizes obstacles and impediments that hold you back from getting where you want to go in your life.

What does it mean when i dream about my brother walking away from me after he passed away?

This dream suggests that you are beginning to accept the reality and finality of your brother's death. The dream illustrates the fact that your brother is no longer a part of your life in the same way as when he was alive, by picturing him walking away from you.