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It comes from the food that we eat.

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Q: What does the energy come form that enables you to breathe and think?
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What does the energy come from that enables you to breathe and think?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say food.

Where does the energy come from that enables you to breathe and think?

It comes from the food you eat or the water you drink. You can't live without food, and if you try, you will be very weak. That's why food gives us energy.

What does a dolphin use to breathe under water?

They don't. Dolphins have lungs, and have to Surface to Breathe. Thye hold their breath while diving.

How is unity achieve?

Breathe in. Breathe out. Know that we are all fractures of the same energy source, be it God, Allah, or Lupercus. Know that you see all around you and experience it. Know that you can change and bend these experiences depending on mood and intent. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in, And out. You are now everything, and everything is you. you come from the same source, and are merely different energy patterns of the same energy. Breathe in Breathe out. According to Deepak Chopra anyway.

Do turtles need to come up for air?

Yes manatees are mammals which means they breathe air

Where does the energy come from for the ocean food chain come from?

i think it's Ocean waves

How come you cant breathe in outer space?

Because there's nothing out there to breathe.

Where do the raw materials of cellular respiration Come from?

from the blood stream, both carbohydrates and oxygen.

Where did the energy come from to create coal?

i think its from the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago.=]

How does it breathe air?

they come out there mom

Could whales breathe in water?

whales can breathe underwater that is why they live in water but sometimes they have to come up to breathe like fish

What are human needs for natural resources?

For human life you need Oxygen (whta we breathe), water as our bodies contain 61% of it, and energy, the energy wil somehow come from the sun. there may be others but i dont know xD