

Could whales breathe in water

Updated: 11/16/2022
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12y ago

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whales can breathe underwater that is why they live in water but sometimes they have to come up to breathe like fish

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Q: Could whales breathe in water
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Can whales breathe though their gills?

No,they have a blowhole that breathes AIR not WATER.

What does whales are mammals mean?

It means that whales are warm blooded like us humans. Whales have breath with there lungs. Unlike fish, whales do not remove oxygen from the water but breathe air directly. This means a whale must come to the surface of the water at regular intervals to breathe.

What whales have a blowhole?

All whales have blow holes to breathe, also to spurt out the water they suck in when eating plankton.

Do whales have lungs?

Humpback whales breathe air by using their lungs. They can only breathe in when their blowhole is above the surface of the water. When they exhale, you can see a spout of warm moist air shoot upwards from their blowhole.

How do dolphins and whales breath under water?

They don't. Dolphins and whales breathe air just like we do. They can hold their breath for a long time, but they come up to the surface to breathe.

How can blue whales breathe under water?

They don't. Whales breathe with lungs, just like you and I. When they dive, they hold their breath. But they're far better at that than the average human.

Do Blue Whales breathe in water?

No.Whales are mammals so they breath air.

Why cant the blue whale breathe under water?

Blue whales are mammals. They breathe air with lungs, pretty much just like you and I. When they dive, they hold their breath.

Do orcas breathe underwater?

Orcas - killer whales don't Breathe under water. They are mammals and Breathe air with lungs. They hold their breath when diving.

How can whales breathe in the sea?

Whales Breathe air, with lungs. They have to Surface to Breathe, and hold their breath while diving

Can dolphins breathe air above water or do they have to breathe under water?

No mammals can breathe underwater. All mammals, including sea mammals, must breathe above the surface of the water. This is why marine mammals such as dolphins and whales frequently come to the surface.

How do beluga whales breathe under the ice?

Beluga whales, like all whales, have a blowhole leading to their lungs on top of their head ti breathe when they reach the surface of the water. When the beluga whales are in the polar regions, the surface will be covered in ice, and unless the beluga whale finds a hole in the ice to surface and breathe, it will drown and die.