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Q: What does the fence represent in this cartoon?
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What does a fence represent?

A fence can represent boundaries, protection, privacy, or division between spaces. It can also symbolize barriers or obstacles in relationships or communication.

What does a lock on a chain link fence represent?

There is no significance to a lock on a chain link fence in Freemasonry.

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The vulture is a representation of death .

What might the plants represent in the story of the fence by Jose garcia villa?

In "The Fence" by Jose Garcia Villa, the plants represent the beauty and vitality of nature, serving as a contrast to the harshness of the concrete fence that surrounds them. They symbolize resilience, growth, and freedom, providing a sense of hope and life amidst the dreary urban landscape.

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No. Hello Kitty, or Kitty White is a cartoon girl. Nothing more.

What does NE represent on the join or die cartoon?

NE is the snake's head and represents New England.

What did the political cartoon represent?

The first political cartoon was created by Ben Franklin. It depicted a snake that read 'Join or Die' with colony names representing different parts of the snake.

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Excess profits piling up from tariffs and business combinations.

What do the figures in the eastern half of the US represent in the cartoon?

men opposed to giving women the right to vote

What does the man represent in the cartoon of ''In the Rubber Coils''?

The man is representative of the indigenous population ; one who is exploited by the rubber company .

What are the characters in the cartoon intended to represent?

well their the focus of the story and give the story or show a main idea :D