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Usually this idiom is used in a battle or military application in which you remove the most dangerous opponent or the leader first, so that the other enemies will be easier to deal with.

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Q: What does the following idiom mean cut off the head of the snake?
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If your head is "in the clouds," you're a dreamer.

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Is laugh your head off an idiom?

An idiom is something that does not mean what the phrase says literally, so yes. You can't actually laugh your head off.

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The idiom "a hot head" refers to someone who is easily angered or quick to become upset or frustrated. It implies that the person has a tendency to react emotionally or impulsively in challenging situations.

What does the idiom nurture a snake in one's blossom mean?

Think about that for a minute. What would happen if you held a snake close to your chest? You'd probably get bitten sooner or later. If you nurture a snake, you've cared for it, and then it turns around and bites you. This idiom means you've trusted someone close to you and they betrayed you.

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"Dive in head first" is to rush into a situation without thinking.

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It means that you are the lowest of the low. You can't be any lower.

What does the idiom 'One-the-back-burner' mean?

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To turn completely around and head back in the direction you came from.

What does the idiom i lost my head mean?

The idiom "I lost my head" means that someone acted impulsively or irrationally, often due to strong emotions or stress, without thinking things through carefully. It suggests making a hasty decision or saying something out of anger.

What does scratching your head mean?

If used as an idiom, it usually means that you are confused about something. The image is of you scratching your head to try to think better.