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To turn completely around and head back in the direction you came from.

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Q: What Does The idiom 180 Degrees Mean?
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What is the answer to rotate 180 degrees counterclockwise?

The same as 180 degrees clockwise. What do you mean "the answer to"?

How many dergress does a hexagon have?

You mean: How many degrees does a hexagon have? 180 degrees for every side added after a triangle. Therefore, 180+180+180+180= 720 DEGREES

What is a straight angles degrees?

If you mean a straight line, then 180 degrees.

What does the idiom 360 degrees turn means?

It's not an idiom - when you turn 360 degrees you just turn all the way around in a total circle and end up facing the same way."A 180 degree turn" is a phrase you might hear to mean that someone turned around and went in the opposite direction - this is sometimes used to mean a mental "turn" or a character "turn" as well as a physical movement.

What does 180 D in a S A mean?

180 Degrees in a Straight Angle

What does to the pendulum has made a full swing mean?

180 degrees

What does straight angle mean in mathas?

an angle that is 180* degrees

What does rotation of 180 degrees mean?

It is 1/2 a turn

What does sumplementry angle mean?

Supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. In other words, if you have one angle measuring x degrees, its supplementary angle will measure 180 - x degrees.

180 Celsius is how many degrees Fahrenheit?

-180 degrees Celsius is -292 degrees Fahrenheit.

What does doing a complete 180 mean?

It is an expression in English used to mean that you are making a totally different decision or changing your mind about something. It refers to the degrees of a circle. 180 degrees is the exact opposite from 0 degrees (or 360 degrees).

How many degrees in a full protractor?

180 degrees