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its temperature

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2w ago

The frequency at which a star's intensity is greatest depends directly on its temperature. The hotter the star, the higher the frequency (and shorter the wavelength) at which its intensity peaks, as described by Wien's Law.

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Q: What does the frequency at which a star's intensity is greatest depends directly on?
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Effect of intensity?

The photoelectric current is directly proportional to intensity.It also depends upon frequency, but frequency more than "THRESHOLD FREQUENCY" does not effect the current.The no. of electrons emitted per second by a photo-sensitive surface is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident radiations.So,the photoelectric current depends upon the intensity of the incident radiations.

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Backing voltage in a photovoltaic cell depends on the light frequency because different frequencies of light correspond to different energy levels of photons, which can determine the voltage generated. However, intensity only affects the current generated by the cell, not the voltage. So, the higher the frequency of the light, the higher the backing voltage, regardless of the intensity.

What is the relationship between intensity and frequency?

Intensity and frequency are independent of each other. Frequency refers to the number of cycles of a wave that occur in a second, measured in hertz (Hz), while intensity measures the energy carried by the wave. Increasing the frequency of a wave does not affect its intensity, and vice versa.

What effects intensity?

Intensity of an activity is influenced by factors such as the level of effort exerted, the duration and frequency of the activity, and the individual's fitness level. The type of activity being performed, equipment used, and environmental conditions can also affect intensity. It is important to monitor intensity to ensure optimal training benefits and avoid injury.

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What is true about duration and frequency?

The running frequency and duration depends with the age and the altitude. For a maximum heart rate the training intensity is between 85 and 90 percent.

What is true about running duration and frequency?

The running frequency and duration depends with the age and the altitude. For a maximum heart rate the training intensity is between 85 and 90 percent.

How reactance of inductors depends on frequency?

actually, inductance is directly proptional to the frequency according to the formula , so if frequency is more, then inductance is also more and vice versa

What is the proper recommended exercise regimen for frequency in f.i.t.t.?

it depends on the intensity of your workout and your goals... FITT it just an acronym for basic training guidelines *(frequency, intensity, time and type I believe) these are all factors that one should switch regularly to avoid body adaptation leading to plateaus

Pitch is to frequency as loudness is to?

Loudness depends on the amplitude. square of amplitude is proportional to the loudness. Pitch is decided by the frequency. One can sing at higher pitch but at lower voice.

Does kinetic energy of photo electron depend upon intensity of light?

No. Kinetic Energy of a photon depends only on the frequency of the light (or in other words frequency of the photons which the light comprises of). Intensity of light, on the other hand, is a way to talk about how many photons are there in, say, a beam of light (putting it in simple words)!

How is the energy of a photon related to its frequency and wavelength?

wavelength : wavelength is the distance from crest of one wave to the crest of next frequency : the number of waves that passes a given point in one second energy : the amplitude or intensity of a wave energy and frequency is directly proportional to each other when energy is high frequency is also high wavelength and frequency or energy is inversly proportional to each other when wavelength is high frequency or energy is low