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Q: What does the garment in confirmation represent?
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What do sponsors represent in Confirmation?

References for the candidate.

What do flames of confirmation represent?

It represents the holy spirit.

What does the color red represent in Confirmation?

The Holy Spirit.

What is the meaning of the bishop during confirmation?

The Bishop is the authority in the Catholic Church. He, like Priests, Archbishops, and the Pope, represent Christ on earth. During Confirmation, the Bishop bears witness to the vows you are making as a young adult. Confirmation accepts you into the church as a full adult member, no longer a child.

What is a deconstructed garment?

A garment t A garment t

What does a white garment represent?

A white dress during a wedding usually symbolizes the purity of the bride which, before the times we live in now, was an assurance of virginity.

What do white balloons represent in the Catholic church?

Nothing. They might be great for a celebration in the church hall, though, for a baptism, confirmation, or wedding?

If I could Touch the Hem of His Garment if I could feel His crucified hands?

In Christian belief, touching the hem of Jesus' garment symbolizes seeking healing, faith, and spiritual connection. Feeling His crucified hands may represent a desire to experience the depth of His sacrifice and the power of His love.

What Is the garment?

a garment is a type of clothing.

What is separate garment?

the garment which has independent identity is known as a separate garment. it includes either top or bottom. the garment is made and sold separately

What does anointing represent in the Catholic religion?

Oil is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit. It is used in the sacraments of Holy Orders, Baptism, Confirmation, and Annointing of the sick.

What is the difference between fabric and garment?

a garment is some thing you wear (made out of fabric) and fabric is what the garment is made of