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Sending, angry, rude, or obscene messages directed at a person or persons privately or an online group

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Q: What does the internet term for flaming mean?
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Related questions

What is a flaming email?

A "flaming email" is an email which is considered to be an insulting and argument causing email. "Flaming" is another term for "bashing". The term is used mainly on message boards and in online gaming such as PlayStation Network and XBOX Live. Often "flaming" can escalate with multiple internet users sending insults back and forth. These arguments can often turn into real world issues such as politics or religion. This is considered a "flame war".

What does scathing mean?

Scathing means harsh, mean. The term flaming someone means leaving a scathing remark or comment.

What does the internet term ISP mean?

Internet Service Provider.

What does a flaming heart mean like a tattoo?

Flaming Heart comes from Crests from Europe,WHich the flaming heart on a crest would mean 'Burning passion,or love or desire"

What does the internet term LOL mean?

Laugh out loud

What does flaming mean on the computer?

it mean there is a hacker in your computer

What does the computer term IP mean?

It can mean "Internet Protocol" or "intellectual property".

What does Rule 34 mean?

rule 34 is an internet term for the idea that "if you can think of it there is porn of it."

What flaming on e-safety stand for?

A hostile and insulting interaction between internet users

How is flaming similar to heckling?

Flaming and heckling are similar in that abusive, mean and nasty comments toward someone else are made. Flaming is done online and heckling is done in person.

What is flaming forum mean?

I better start off with what flaming is. Flaming is pretty much "trash talk, spam, rude, and arguing". This is where users usually can argue and it is allowed. A lot of times a board will have a flaming section, but it will not be moderated. Insults*

Attacking an Internet poster in writing on the Internet is known as?

Flaming. When the flame attacks happen in two or more directions, this is known as a flame war.