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Least chipmunks eats berries, nuts and seeds

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Q: What does the least chipmunk eat?
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Related questions

Is the least chipmunk a herbivore?

Yes the Least Chipmunk is primarily a herbivore.

What is the smallest specie of chipmunk?

The least chipmunk

Is chipmunk meat OK to eat?

maybe. As long as you know the chipmunk didn't eat rat poison, then it is okay to eat.

Can you eat a chipmunk?


Can a bear eat chipmunk?


How many diffrewnt speces of chipmunks are there in the world?

There are 20 species of chipmunks in the world. Some of these include the eastern chipmunk, the least chipmunk, the palmer's chipmunk, as well as the yellow-pine chipmunk.

What eats an chipmunk?

they eat each other

Does a black bear eat a chipmunk?

Yes they do!

How big does the eastern chipmunk get?

At least 7 inches

What is the best bait for a chipmunk?

There is no 'best bait' for a chipmunk. Our little friends will eat any type of vegetation.

What are the Simular species of a Cliff Chipmunk?

The cliff chipmunk is a small bushy-tailed squirrel that typically lives along cliff walls in the Western United States and Mexico. ÊSimilar species include the Least chipmunk, the Uinta chipmunk, the PanamintÊchipmunk, and the Grayneck chipmunk.

How does a chipmunk eat?

It eats by cracking the nut on the ground