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Q: What does the major scale sound like?
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What does a minor scale sound like?

In comparison to a major scale a minor scale will sound sadder, more depressing. I would love to explain the theory behind this to you! Would you please email me at Can't wait to hear from you!

Major vs minor?

The difference is in the 3rd key on the scale. that 3rd gives a happier sound to the major scale.

What scales sound good with an Am pentatonic scale?

A Minor and a Major chords.

Why does harmonic minor scale sound so dark?

The harmonic minor scale is a minor scale with a major 7th (1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7). This creates a 3 half-step gap between the minor 6th and major 7th, resulting in a dark, exotic sound.

Is there such thing as a melodic major scale?

The major scale is the major scale. If it was altered, then it wouldn't be the major scale anymore.

Does a major scale sound loud?

No. The name just implies it's a fundamental sequence of notes in music.

Why is the scale with no sharps or flats called C major?

That is an interesting question, the reason is because the scale starts on the note C and uses the interval of a major third, and it just so happens that no black notes are needed to make the scale sound good.

Romanticism is a style of music that is characterized by a dramatic use of the major and minor scale systems creating a pleasing and harmonic sound true or false?

It is true that Romanticism is a style of music that is characterized by a dramatic use of the major and minor scale systems, creating a pleasing and harmonic sound.

What does an E harmonic minor scale look like?

E minor harmonic scale looks like this : E F# G A B C D# E The major scale for E minor is G major.

What characterizes the minor scale?

The minor scale is different from a major scale because the third, sixth, and seventh are one half step lower than a major scale. For example, a C major scale is C, D, E, F, G, A, B; a C minor scale is C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb. The Eb, Ab, and Bb are one half step lower, which gives the minor scale its distinct sound.

Where is do on the scale for a flat major?

Your question doesn't make much sense. But for any scale, "do" would be the first note of the scale, which is whatever the scale is called. But for a flat major, from what it sounds like you're asking, the note would be a flat. Ex: In B flat major, "Do" is b flat.

What is a C Major Scale?

C major is a major scale starting from C.