

What does the mass of an object change?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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If the mass changes then the amount of material in the object changes. This will also affect the moment of inertia and the gravitational effect of the object.

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Q: What does the mass of an object change?
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No, the measured weight of an object WILL change but the mass of an object will never change regardless of the gravitational force on object.

How does the mass of an object on earth compare with the mass of the same object on the moon?

there is no change in the mass of body

How does the mass and the object on the earth compare with the mass of the same object on the moon?

The object's mass doesn't change, no matter where it is or where it goes.

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Quantities which depend on the mass of an object are its momentum, and kinetic energy.Both change if the mass changes. In addition, if the object's volume doesn't change,then its density also changes.

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As mass increases acceleration decreases.

How does the weight and mass of an object change if it is on the moon?

Such an object's mass would not change, or it wouldn't change significantly. Its weight will be reduced, approximately by a factor of 6.

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I am assuming that you mean mass of an object. The answer is no, it does not change. Mass (Density) stays the same wherever the object is, only its weight will change if the force of gravity is different.

How can you change mass of an object?

You can add something to an object, or take something away. Other than that, you can't really change an object's mass. Do some reading on "conservation of mass" for more details.

Will the weight of an object change if it changes it state?

No. The mass of an object doesn't change (Law of Conservation of Mass), therefore its weight won't change either (weight = mass x gravity).

If an objects mass on earth is 4.2 what is its mass on the moon?

It's 4.2 . An object's mass doesn't change. The thing that does change is the gravitational forcethat attracts the object to another mass. The strength of that force depends on the mass of bothobjects. The force on the first object is what we call the object's "weight".