

Best Answer

For an optical microscope, the principle of refraction, in its lenses.

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Q: What does the microscope use to form images?
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What is the ability of a microscope to form images with fine detail?

The Ability Of Microscope To Distinguish Fine Details Is Called "Resolution"

What does an electron microscope use to produce images?

a beam of electrons

What does the scanning electron microscope use to magnify images?

Electron beams.

How does a compound microscope use lenses to magnify an object?

the optical microscope is a type of microscope that uses visibal light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples

What microscope can enlarge images to 1500 times?

Light microscope

What is the name of a microscope that shows black and white images?

Electron microscope.

What microscope can enlarge images up to 1500 times?

Light microscope

Microscope that can enlarge images up to 1500 times?

A microscope is an optical device which is used to view very small objects. A compound microscope enlarges images up to 1,500 times.

What does a electron microscope use to form images?

A electron microscope uses beams of highly charged, energetic, electrons, due to these electrons this type of microscope can magnify the object it is looking at by two thousand times! So because we can magnify an object by such a great amount we can use electron microscopes to observe how atoms are arranged in an object and even look at the structure of an atom.

What two optical devices use convex lenses to focus and enlarge images?

An optical microscope or twlescope.

What kind of microscope use beams of electrons to produce magnified images?

These microscopes are called electron microscopes.

Modern microscope that use lenses to bend?

Modern microscope that use lenses to bend light or images. The magnification occurs by precise lens grinding that bends light across the surface of the lens.