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Destruction of the nerve endings causes the affected areas to lose sensation.

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Q: What does the nerve damage caused by leprosy result in?
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Related questions

How can leprosy kill you?

It causes nerve damage!

What potential danger results from nerve damage caused by leprosy?

The loss of sensation in the fingers and toes increases the risk of injury.

Damage to which cranial nerve can result in death?

vagus nerve

Canine Nerve damage front paw?

Ask your Vet. Nerve damage may be caused by conditions that can be fixed.

Why is a nerve biopsy performed?

A nerve biopsy is performed to detect nerve-damaging conditions, including leprosy, necrotizing vasculitis (an inflammation of the blood vessels), other nerve inflammation, and damage or loss of the nerve's protective myelin sheath.

What is the scientific name for leprosy?

The scientific name for leprosy is Mycobacterium leprae. It is a slow-growing bacterium that affects the skin and nerves, causing skin lesions and nerve damage in severe cases.

Can nerve damage be caused by antidepressant?

in many cases yes

What does damage caused by multiple sclerosis center on?

Nerve Tissue

What nerve mutation can be caused by tuberculoid leprosy?

Involvement of nerves on the face, arms, or legs can cause them to enlarge and become easily felt by the doctor.

Can External strabismus and ptosis be caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve?


Swelling and nerve damage can result from?

Trauma, injury to the affected area.

Why can't you talk straight?

If the nerve damage is in the feet, or legs, this causes difficulty maintaining balance. Nerve damage is most commonly caused by diabetes, however it can also be the result of infection, trauma, alcoholism, nutrient deficiencies, trauma, autoimmune diseases and medications, such as side effects from chemotherapy.